Tendon and ligament injuries, such as Achilles tendonitis, tennis elbow, and rotator cuff strains, can…

‘The Tolbert Center Helped Me Gain So Much More Mobility in My Knee’
Years ago, Mary Lee, 69, who has many creative talents, suffered a knee injury that was preventing her from growing her business and doing the things she loved in life.
Check out our first in a series of patient stories where you get to hear, first hand, from real patients and their healing journeys. Hear how Mary discovered a simple, non-surgical treatment from the Tolbert Center that gave her the ability to return to an active lifestyle, even as a grandmother. She’s now enjoying life, working on her next entrepreneurial venture and traveling the world—all without chronic pain.
Tolbert Center: Tell us a bit about yourself.
I have always been interested in creative endeavors—lyrical and poetic writings, singing and performing. I’m just overall supportive of all things creative, spiritual and upward.
I’m a semi-retired mother and grandmother. I have sung professionally for some years and have done some bid parts in movies and television.
I also love to travel. I was recently blessed to be able to travel to Egypt and Israel with stop-overs in Paris, Jordan and Germany. I did an impromptu performance in Tel Aviv at the No. 1 blues club in the city. Such a fun, humbling and well-received experience.
I’m also in the process of writing a book.
TC: Tell us about what was causing you pain.
I sustained an injury to my left knee some years back. Before being treated at the Tolbert Center, I was experiencing a lot of pain, swelling and general discomfort.
TC: What did you try before you found the Tolbert Center?
I tried physical therapy on my knee, ice and cold compacts, Tylenol Extra Strength. In fact, one doctor gave me some kind of pain pill. I only took two of them, and it didn’t help. The medicine was actually making me feel sick and generally out of it.
TC: How was your experience at the Tolbert Center different?
Currently, I work part-time as an in-home care provider. One of my clients was under Dr. Tolbert’s care, which is how I became acquainted with her. After reading a brochure and a few visits to the Tolbert Center, I asked about the prolotherapy treatment.
About a year later, I became Dr. Tolbert’s patient and received a number of treatment options before getting the shots. After only a series of three prolotherapy treatments, the pain started to go away, the swelling and disfiguring of my knee went down, and I began to be able to move around without pain or cracking noises.
I gained so much more mobility in my knee that I probably told everyone I knew about the center’s treatment plans.
At times, I still get some pain—particularly when it’s cold and raining. But I’m nowhere near where I was before the treatments.
TC: Now that you’ve been healed, how differently do you feel?
I feel so fortunate to be able to move again without pain.
TC: What do you think really made the difference for you at the Tolbert Center?
The attention and care that I have received from Dr. Tolbert and her staff made a world of difference for my healing and personal growth. I also believe Dr. Tolbert’s personal approach and care for her patients are the driving forces behind her patients’ healing.
I’m a living witness that the Tolbert Center is actually about creating wellness for people.